What is emotional literacy? 5 empowering techniques for growing your emotional intelligence

young man and woman couple sitting closely on the couch as they use their emotional literacy to communicate about what is important.

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Have you ever wondered why some people navigate their emotions effortlessly while others struggle? 

Do you have difficulty managing your emotions and want to work to improve? 

Understanding your feelings and knowing how to communicate them well comes down to emotional intelligence (EQ) or emotional literacy.

Understanding emotional intelligence and how to develop it can be a game-changer in your personal and professional life. It’s a crucial skill that impacts how you manage emotions, interact with others, and build meaningful relationships. If you want to improve your emotional literacy, this guide will help you understand where you stand and how to grow.

What is emotional intelligence?

Emotional intelligence (EQ) refers to the ability to recognize, understand, and manage your own emotions, as well as the emotions of others. It’s about being aware of how your feelings influence your thoughts and actions and being able to empathize with others. 

People with high EQ are often better at handling stress, communicating effectively, and navigating social situations.

Why do some people have higher EQ than others?

Several factors contribute to differences in emotional intelligence, including:

  • Genetics: You may be naturally more attuned to your emotions and the emotions of others due to your genetic makeup.
  • Upbringing: The way you were raised plays a significant role in developing emotional literacy. Children who are encouraged to express their feelings and taught how to manage them often grow up with higher emotional intelligence.
  • Life experiences: Traumatic events, significant life changes, or ongoing stress can impact how you process emotions, either enhancing your emotional intelligence or making it more challenging to manage emotions effectively.
A loving young couple sitting on a couch, talking happily about their days as they hold hands.

Why emotional intelligence matters

Having a high EQ can positively impact nearly every aspect of your life. Here’s why emotional intelligence is so important:

1. Improved relationships

When you’re emotionally intelligent, you’re better equipped to understand and respond to the emotions of others. This can lead to stronger, healthier relationships, whether they’re with family, friends, or colleagues.

2. Better communication

By having high emotional literacy, you can express your feelings clearly and constructively, which is essential for effective communication. This skill can help prevent misunderstandings and resolve conflicts more smoothly.

3. Increased resilience

Emotional intelligence helps you manage stress and bounce back from setbacks. When you’re in tune with your emotions, you can cope better with life’s challenges and maintain a positive outlook.

4. Greater self-awareness

Understanding your emotions and how they influence your behavior allows you to make more informed decisions. This self-awareness can lead to personal growth and improved decision-making.

5. Enhanced empathy

A high EQ allows you to put yourself in others’ shoes, making it easier to connect with them on a deeper level. This empathy can improve your relationships and make you a more compassionate person.

How emotional intelligence improves relationships

Emotional intelligence plays a crucial role in building and maintaining healthy relationships. When you can understand and manage your emotions, you’re better equipped to handle conflicts, communicate effectively, and connect with others on a deeper level. Here’s why EQ is so important in relationships:

  • Reduces misunderstandings: High EQ helps you express your feelings clearly and listen to others without jumping to conclusions.
  • Promotes trust and empathy: When you show that you understand and care about others’ emotions, it fosters trust and strengthens bonds.
  • Enhances conflict resolution: Being emotionally intelligent allows you to navigate disagreements calmly and find solutions that work for everyone involved.
Two best friends are sitting cross-legged on a couch, talking intently about things important to each other. This type of connection is possible with high emotional intelligence.

How to grow your EQ: Steps to develop emotional literacy

Improving your emotional intelligence is a journey, and like any skill, it requires practice and patience. Here are some practical steps to help you develop your EQ:

1. Practice self-awareness.

Reflect on your emotions: Take time each day to check in with yourself. What are you feeling, and why? Understanding your feelings is the first step to managing them.

Keep a journal: Writing about your feelings can help you process and understand them better. It’s also a great way to track your emotional growth over time.

2. Learn to manage your emotions.

Develop coping strategies: Whether it’s deep breathing, meditation, or taking a walk, find techniques that help you manage stress and calm your mind.

Avoid emotional outbursts: When you feel emotions building up, take a moment to pause and think before reacting. This can help you respond more thoughtfully.

3. Build empathy

Listen actively: Pay attention to what others are saying without interrupting. Try to understand their feelings and perspectives.

Practice putting yourself in others’ shoes: When someone expresses their feelings to you, imagine how you would feel. This can help you respond with empathy and compassion.

4. Enhance your social skills.

Improve your communication: Express your feelings clearly and listen to others without judgment.

Practice assertiveness: Being able to stand up for yourself while respecting others is a crucial aspect of high emotional intelligence.

5. Develop self-motivation

Set personal goals: Having clear, achievable goals can give you a sense of purpose and motivation.

Stay positive: Focus on what you can control and maintain a positive outlook, even when things are tough.

EQ test: Assessing your emotional intelligence

Here is a quick EQ test to help you understand where you stand on your emotional intelligence journey. Answer the following questions:

1.  Do you find it easy to recognize your emotions as they happen?

2. Can you calm yourself down when you’re feeling upset or stressed?

3. Are you aware of how your emotions affect your decisions?

4. Do you consider how others might feel before you act or speak?

5. Can you express your feelings clearly and constructively?

6. Can you manage your emotions without letting them control your behavior?

7. Do you find it easy to understand and empathize with others’ emotions?

If you answered “yes” to most of these questions, you likely have high emotional intelligence. If you answered “no” to several, don’t worry—this means you have areas to work on, and that’s okay. Everyone’s emotional intelligence is a work in progress, and your interest in improving it is a significant first step.

Even if you scored high on this EQ test, there is always room to grow in your emotional intelligence skills. Take these results as a jumping-off point for improving your EQ and experiencing ongoing benefits.

Examples of emotional literacy in action

Understanding emotional literacy is one thing. Seeing it in action can make it easier to grasp. Here are some examples:

Example 1: Managing stress at work

  • Situation: You’re overwhelmed with a tight deadline.
  • Unhelpful reaction: Panicking and snapping at colleagues.
  • Emotionally intelligent response: Acknowledging your stress, taking a short break to clear your mind, and then calmly addressing your workload with a plan.

Example 2: Handling a disagreement with a friend

  • Situation: Your friend cancels plans at the last minute.
  • Unhelpful reaction: Getting angry and ignoring your friend’s messages.
  • Emotionally intelligent response: Expressing your disappointment calmly and asking if everything is okay with them, showing that you value the relationship.

How Makin Wellness can help you improve your EQ

If you want to improve your emotional intelligence, Makin Wellness is here to support you on your journey. Our online mental health services are designed to help you develop the skills needed to understand and manage your emotions better. Here’s how Makin Wellness can help:

Benefits of online therapy with Makin Wellness

  • Personalized guidance: Our experienced therapists will work with you to identify areas where you can improve your emotional intelligence and provide you with practical strategies to do so.
  • Convenient and comfortable: Access therapy from the comfort of your home, making it easier to fit sessions into your schedule and reduce commuting stress.
  • Ongoing support: With individual online therapy, you can receive continuous support and feedback as you work on developing your EQ.

You can absolutely benefit from improving your emotional intelligence. Whether you’re just starting your journey or looking to deepen your emotional literacy, our compassionate therapists are here to guide you every step of the way.

Start your journey to emotional literacy

Understanding what emotional intelligence is and how to develop it can profoundly impact your life. By improving your emotional literacy, you can enhance your relationships, make better decisions, and become more resilient in facing challenges. Remember, emotional intelligence is a skill that can be developed over time, and every step you take brings you closer to a more balanced, fulfilling life.

If you’re ready to take the next step in your emotional intelligence journey, call us at (833)-274-heal or make an appointment with one of our specialized online therapists. Our dedicated team is here to help you build the skills you need to thrive emotionally and mentally.

More resources:

Picture of Sara Makin MSEd, LPC, NCC

Sara Makin MSEd, LPC, NCC

All articles are written in conjunction with the Makin Wellness research team. The content on this page is not a replacement for professional diagnosis, treatment, or informed advice. It is important to consult with a qualified mental health professional before making any decisions or taking action. Please refer to our terms of use for further details.

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