Grieving the loss of a mother: How to navigate grief on Mother’s Day

A middle aged woman saddened and grieving the loss of her mother.

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Losing a mother is a loss that leaves behind a permanent mark in your life. No amount of preparation can truly prepare you for grieving the loss of a mother, and emotions can vary from deep devastation to feelings of guilt.

One of the deepest connections known to humanity is the bond between a mother and her child. When that presence is suddenly absent, it can feel as though a part of yourself has been torn away. It is essential to recognize the importance of seeking help and support during these grieving moments. In this blog post, you will gain insights and learn coping skills for navigating grief during the holidays like Mother’s Day.

Two people holding hands as they navigate grief.

Navigate grief by first understanding what it is

Grief is an intense and complex emotional response to loss. It is an experience that includes a range of emotions such as sorrow, anger, guilt, and disbelief. Grief is a natural and necessary process that eventually leads to acceptance. 

Psychologist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross introduced the concept of the five stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. In 1992, Dr. Kenneth J. Doka added hope to the stages of grief. These stages represent the various emotional states that you may cycle through as you navigate grief. Understand that It’s essential to recognize that grief is not a linear process, and you may move back and forth between stages or experience them in different orders.  Your individual experiences, relationships, and coping mechanisms shape your experience with grief.

The mother-child bond

The bond between a mother and child is unparalleled. From the moment of conception, a mother’s presence shapes the very essence of her child’s being. When death breaks this bond, it leaves behind an unfathomable void of longing and sorrow. The loss of a mother is both the absence of her physical presence and nurturing essence.

A woman holding her hands to her chest, smiling because she's found peace.

Grieving the loss of a mother with 7 powerful tips 

Your journey to navigate grief is personal, and finding strategies that provide relief in your unique experience can be helpful. Grieving the loss of a mother and coping, especially during Mother’s Day, can be incredibly challenging. Here are some coping strategies mental health professionals often recommend:

  1. Acknowledge your feelings: Allow yourself to feel whatever emotions come up, whether it’s sadness, anger, or even relief. Don’t judge your emotions, just acknowledge and accept them.
  2. Seek support: Lean on friends, family members, or a support group who can offer comfort and understanding during this difficult time. Don’t hesitate to reach out for help when needed.
  3. Create new traditions: Consider starting new traditions or rituals to honor your mother’s memory on Mother’s Day. This could be anything from planting a tree in her memory to cooking her favorite meal.
  4. Express yourself: Express your feelings through creative outlets such as writing, art, or music. Journaling or writing a letter to your mother can be a therapeutic way to process your emotions.
  5. Limit exposure: If seeing Mother’s Day celebrations or advertisements is triggering for you, consider limiting your exposure to them. This might mean avoiding social media or taking a break from certain activities.
  6. Honor your mother’s memory: Find meaningful ways to honor and remember your mother on Mother’s Day. This could include visiting her grave, creating a scrapbook of memories, or doing something she loved to do.
  7. Seek professional help: If you’re struggling to cope with your loss, consider seeking support from a therapist or counselor who can provide guidance and help you navigate grief.

Remember that grieving is a highly individual process, and there’s no right or wrong way to navigate grief. Be gentle with yourself and allow yourself the time and space you need to heal.

A woman engaging in with her online grief therapist on a video call.

How online therapy can help you to navigate grief

Despite how hopeless it may feel, healing is possible when you take care of yourself. Make healing your priority by allowing yourself time, indulging in plenty of self-care, and finding your support system.

Online therapy can be a valuable resource for you to navigate grief, especially during emotionally challenging times like Mother’s Day. Here’s how it can help:

  • Accessibility: Online therapy provides access to professional support from the comfort of your own home. This accessibility can be particularly beneficial if you’re struggling to leave the house or if you live in a remote area with limited access to in-person therapy.
  • Flexibility: Online therapy offers flexibility in scheduling sessions, allowing you to choose times that work best for you. This can be especially helpful during times of heightened emotion, such as Mother’s Day, when you may need additional support.
  • Confidentiality: Online therapy platforms typically prioritize client confidentiality and privacy, creating a safe space for you to express your feelings and work through your grief without fear of judgment.
  • Tailored support: A qualified therapist can provide personalized support tailored to your unique needs and circumstances. They can offer coping strategies, tools for managing difficult emotions, and guidance on navigating the grieving process.
  • Validation and understanding: Speaking with a therapist who specializes in grief can help validate your feelings and provide a sense of understanding and empathy. They can reassure you that what you’re experiencing is normal and offer validation for your emotions.
  • Coping skills: Online therapy can teach you practical coping skills to help you navigate the challenges of grief, including mindfulness techniques, relaxation exercises, and strategies for managing intrusive thoughts or overwhelming emotions.
  • Long-term support: Grief is a complex process that unfolds over time, and online therapy can provide ongoing support as you navigate the various stages of grief. Your therapist can help you develop a plan for coping with triggers and milestones, such as Mother’s Day, and provide support as needed.

Overall, online therapy can be a valuable resource for you to navigate grief on Mother’s Day and beyond, offering accessibility, flexibility, and personalized support to help you heal and move forward in your grieving process.

If you are seeking support, reach out to Makin Wellness to get connected with a highly qualified online counselor or therapist. The first step is as simple as getting in touch with our care team through a phone call or online. Our team will then get you matched with a therapist that fits your needs and you can begin your therapy sessions online.

Picture of Sara Makin MSEd, LPC, NCC

Sara Makin MSEd, LPC, NCC

All articles are written in conjunction with the Makin Wellness research team. The content on this page is not a replacement for professional diagnosis, treatment, or informed advice. It is important to consult with a qualified mental health professional before making any decisions or taking action. Please refer to our terms of use for further details.

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