“You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” – C.S. Lewis
Positive mindset has shown to boost mood, improve confidence, while also being an effective tool for stress-management. People who practice positive thinking are more likely to cope with stressful situations and reduce the harmful effects of stress on the mind and body. positive mindset
Thinking positively does not mean ignoring or avoiding any negative situation. It simply means approaching it from a different angle. For example, after making a mistake, rather than thinking “I’m a horrible person,” you can instead learn something from the situation and approach it differently in the future.
Learning to think more positive takes time and practice. Our thought processes, whether negative or positive, depend much on our daily habits. Being mindful of our day to day habits, such as our physical activity, eating habits, and how we’re spending our time, can help to see patterns that may be contributing to our state of mind. positive mindset
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is used to target depression, anxiety, and other mental illnesses. It is a form of therapy used to replace dysfunctional thoughts with more healthy ones. CBT has shown to improve symptoms by strengthening healthy brain connections and changing thought patterns.
One study was conducted on patients with psychosis who were given brain imaging before and after CBT. The scans showed a heightened connection between the amygdala (the part of the brain responsible for fear and threat response) and prefrontal cortex (the part of the brain responsible for rational thinking). According to clinical psychologist Liam Mason, these findings show psychological therapy such as CBT can “lead to changes in the mechanics of the brain.”
Thus, when dealing with mental illness, rather than simply taking medications alone, it is vital to include a form of psychological therapy to strengthen brain connectivity to enable a more positive mindset – literally rewiring the brain. Consider other daily habits that contribute to a positive mindset.positive
Tools to Encourage Positive Mindset
- Positive Affirmations – Think of positive things about yourself, and practice positive self talk. Dwelling on things you are grateful for will encourage a positive outlook and reduce stress and worry.
- Be Mindful – Being mindful and present in the moment, avoiding a critical or judgmental attitude, will allow positive thoughts to fill your mind.
- Exercise – Aim to exercise 30 minutes a day to positively affect your mood and reduce stress.
- Healthy Eating – A healthy diet will help fuel your mind and body, improve cognitive function, and give an overall sense of well-being.
Improving your state of mind takes time and practice. Don’t expect change to happen overnight. Practicing positive self-talk will help you to be less critical of the world around you over time.
positive mindset
Makin Wellness offers Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Nutritional Counseling, and other therapies to promote a positive mindset, helping to reduce stress and improve overall wellness. Contact us today for a free 15-minute consultation!
About Makin Wellness
Founded in 2017 , Makin Wellness is Pittsburgh’s premier therapy & coaching centers located in Downtown Pittsburgh and Downtown New Kensington. The company’s mission is to help people heal and become happy again. Makin Wellness specializes in depression, anxiety, addiction, trauma, medical marijuana assited treatment and relationship counseling.